Enamel Thinner

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MTO Enamel Thinner




Jewell Mineral Turpentine Oli is refined water, while in color it is a solvent of moderate volatility. It contains about 40% aromatic hydrocarbons, which provides very good solvency.

PAINT THINNER: If a coating of the paint turns out to be too thick for the surface, you can use Jewell mineral turpentine oil to thin it down. You need to mix it into the thick paint in the right proportions and stir thoroughly until the goal of consistency is achieved.

EXCELLENT CLEANING COMPONENT: Mineral turpentine oil has proven to be quite an expert component for some particular cleaning activities. It effectively removes paint, oil, and similar substances from surfaces. You can easily use it to get the brushes rid of such substances. It can even wash away thick layers of dried paint, dirt, grime, rust, and similarly stubborn buildups from metallic objects.

ALL-ROUNDER DEGREASER: You can remove greasy accumulations from parts of machinery and other such components with Jewell mineral turpentine oil. They are often used to keep the machine clean and functional.